Do you need a colon cleanse? We live in a toxic world where pollution is all around us and our food contains pesticides and all sorts of additives. All this toxicity can have negative effects on our digestion and our colon. Fortunately, our body is a powerful machine that is able to detoxify itself on a regular basis. However, such high levels of toxicity can be very hard to deal with. Toxins tend to accumulate in our colon because our modern diets and unhealthy lifestyles don’t permit proper elimination of wastes. This is why colon cleansing may be necessary for some of us.
Our colon is an important organ of our body. Its primary functions are to move digested food, absorb water and some nutrients, and to form stools. These wastes are eliminated through a wave-like motion called peristalsis.
The intestines are divided into two parts: the small intestine and the large intestine. The small intestine is attached to the stomach and is divided into three parts, the duodenum, the jejunum and the ileum. The colon is attached to the small intestine, and has the anus on the other end.
Regular bowel movements usually rime with healthy digestion. When they are not regular, wastes accumulate in the bowels and toxins are reabsorbed through the colon wall and enter the bloodstream. This causes infections, immune reactions, headaches, weight gain, nutritional deficiencies, fatigue, and other illnesses.
Having an unhealthy colon can also have bigger repercussions over time. It can lead to structural damages, IBS, Crohn’s disease and colorectal cancer.
All bacteria in the colon are important
Did you know that your intestines contain more than 100 trillion bacteria, good and bad, that all contribute to digestion. About 70% of our poop is made of these bacteria. These organisms not only help to form stools, they are also needed for the absorption of nutrients, fighting harmful bacteria and maintaining pH balance. Additionally, this ecosystem is directly linked to our immune system. So keeping our colon healthy is very important.
Did you know that your poop can affect your mood? Yes! Having abnormal pooping habits will affect the central nervous system. This is because the nerves in our bowels also communicate with your brain. Having an unhealthy colon can have a negative effect on our mood, our appetite and our hormones.
Is colon cleansing necessary?
Colon cleansing with water has been practiced for a long time. The first use of colon cleansing was recorded in 1500 BC in Ancient Egyptian documentation. It was later used in France and Greece, then spread around the globe as a treatment for fevers, constipation and several diseases.
Colon cleansing is known to restore intestinal health, improve digestion and our body’s detoxification mechanisms. Water is inserted into the colon to flush out old waste that has been accumulating. The benefits are usually felt immediately.
Colon cleansing is not necessary for everyone. Those who have a healthy digestion and regular bowel movements might not need to do a colon cleanse. But if you suffer from any digestive issue, like constipation, bloating, gassiness, colon cleansing may be very beneficial for you. Colon cleansing can also help increase energy levels and concentration, kick-start weight loss, or get rid of headaches, allergy or flu-like symptoms, inflammation and pain, acne, or a strong body odour.
Eliminating old waste and toxic matter in your colon is very important. If your bowels can’t do it on their own, they might need a little help from you. The idea of a colon cleanse is to encourage your digestive organs to function properly again.
If you suffer from constipation, doing a colon cleanse might be something you should think about. If you are not going to the toilet at least once a day, stools become stagnant in the colon, which can be the main cause of your discomfort (cramps, abdominal pain, gassiness, fatigue and headaches).
Is your poop normal? -Take the test
What causes an unhealthy colon?
What you eat plays a major role in the health of your colon. In our days, a lot of the food that is available to us is toxic. Processed meats, refined grains, industrial sugars, and fried foods all contribute to an unhealthy gut.
Modern agriculture methods involve the use of genetically modified crops (GMO), pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and fertilizers, which are all toxic to our stomach lining and intestines. A lifetime of consuming these chemicals definitely damages our cells, glands and nerves.
It is now common to suffer from leaky gut syndrome (increased intestinal permeability) and food intolerances. When the intestines are damaged, food particles can penetrate the wall and get into the bloodstream, causing different immune reactions. In this situation, food is never digested efficiently and the whole body can suffer.
In your colon, undigested food particles and old feces can start fermenting, causing gas and abdominal pain. Toxins can be reabsorbed by the colon wall and released back into the bloodstream. This will cause mood swings, irritability, fatigue, headaches and weight gain.
How to have a healthy colon
1. Eat real food. Choose fresh organic fruits and vegetables. Avoid processed food and animal products. This will provide you with all the fibre that you need to have a healthy colon.
2. Stay hydrated. Water is needed to form stools. Drink at least 2 litres of water per day.
3. Get plenty of exercise, which helps with peristalsis. Jogging, yoga, basketball, jumping jacks, sit-ups, dancing, are all excellent exercises that stimulate the muscles of your digestive system.
4. Chew your food slowly. Breaking down the food in your mouth before swallowing is important. Anything you don’t chew, your stomach and your intestines will have to do later. The smaller the food particles are, the less energy will be needed for digestion.
How to do a colon cleanse
There are different ways to perform a colon cleanse. You can go to a clinic and get a colonic (also called colonic irrigation or hydrotherapy), or do it yourself at home with an enema bag. You can also clean your colon with a fast or a detox program. All those methods are effective.
Choosing to consult a professional to clean your colon may be a wise choice if you suffer from chronic constipation and major blockages. You may also want to visit a clinic before a colonoscopy because it requires you to have a clear colon. The professional will use a machine that works with pressure. He will insert a tube into your rectum that pushes up to 60 litres of water into your colon during one session. This may take 60 to 90 minutes, and it will clean the entire colon.
Colon cleansing can also be done safely in the comfort of your home, with an enema bag. This method permits you to gently clean the last part of the colon (the descending colon), because an enema bag only contains 1 or 2 litres of water. It is not as thorough as a professional colonic irrigation, but it is still an efficient way to relieve constipation, headaches, gassiness, bloating, and to improve energy levels. Here’s a video on how to perform an enema at home.
Is it possible to get the full benefits of colonic irrigation at home? Yes, with a colema board. Unlike the pressurized machines used at a clinic, a colema involves using a large bucket of water placed higher than you so that the water enters your colon with the force of gravity. One end of the colema board is placed on a chair and the other end on the toilet. Gravity-controlled colonics are more gentle than the ones done with a pressure machine.
Colon cleansing may be difficult at first. You may find it hard to insert water into your rectum and to hold it. But with a little bit of practice, colon cleansing becomes easier to perform, and the benefits can be felt instantly.
Some people like to add apple cider vinegar, coffee or wheatgrass juice to their enema. However, there are no studies that prove the benefits of doing an enema with anything else than water.
You should talk to your doctor prior to do a colon cleanse if you are pregnant, if you suffer from Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticular disease, IBS, kidney disease, colon cancer or have active hemorrhoids.
Always use sanitary equipment. Wash your enema tube with soap every time you use it.
It is wise to take probiotic supplements after a colon cleanse. You may have flushed out a bunch of unhealthy bacteria and old wastes, but some of your good bacteria may also have been wiped out. Repopulating your gut with new healthy bacteria is very important.
Use gentle laxatives (if you use any) like Triphala or psyllium husk instead of abrasive over-the-counter laxatives. Make sure to stay hydrated and maintain good electrolyte levels by drinking plenty of water and eating fruits and vegetables (drink juices if you are fasting).
Try our 7 day detox and colon cleanse program. It is safe and easy to do. You will get better results if you follow our dietary guidelines two weeks prior to your cleanse and one week after. You will be amazed by the results! Read some success stories here.
Have you ever done a colon cleanse before? What did you get out of it?